Fashionable Travel Hacks
With all the traveling we do during this season I have asked my fashion stylist friend, Manda Heath to give me some tips and tricks to share with you. She is not only a stylist with high fashion brands like Tory Burch, DVF and Robert Graham but she has worked the last 9 years in hospitality so she knows all the hacks for fashionable travel.
Being a Napa Valley native and working in the hospitality industry, I've heard a plethora of travel hacks, tips and tricks for making the route to and from your destination in a safe, effective and (of course) stylish manner. With that being said, and finding myself traveling more frequently in the past few years, I've developed my own regimen consisting of comforting details, so the process is as stress free and seamless as possible.
Travel Bag
One thing I always do when flying, is make sure I bring a carry on that is big enough to hold some overflow items from my suitcase, yet small enough to still fit underneath my seat. To save space and make the most out of the FAA on board bag regulations, make sure you can fit your purse into your carry on bag (since you are allowed only two bags, if a flight attendant asks, I always say my carry on is my purse). This particular bag is great for overnight trips or a carry on. (Longchamp Le Pliage Expandable Travel Bag, $255)
Bonus: the nylon fabric makes it easy to clean if the toddler in front of you spills their juice.
Comfortable Shoes
No one wants to take their shoes off on an airplane. Problem solved. Enter Yosi Samra flats. These shoes literally feel like slippers. So you can wear them (and keep them on) all through your flight. I like to wear these or a similar flat during my flight, so I can still curl up in my seat and still keep my shoes on.(Yosi Samra Fold Up Ballet Flats, $70)
Bonus: you can still wear a thin sock with these, so the security line at the airport becomes a breeze.
In-flight Skin Care
Let's face it, recycled cabin air does a number on our skin, especially on a coast to coast flight. Air Repair skincare targets restorative hydration head on with the perfect combination of climate friendly products in a convenient kit. The linecombats environmental stresses that are associated with travel and restores moisture and hydration in five unique ways. (Air Repair Grab & Glow Skincare Kit, $42)
Bonus: each product meets FAA travel size requirements.
Comfortable Pants
It's so easy to throw on sweats or yoga pants when you know you're going to be in a confined space, let alone sitting for a significant amount of time. If this is the case, ditch the loungewear and opt for a jogger pant or ankle length pant in a nicer fabric. It's a dressier option, so you'll look put together en route and still be comfortable all flight long. (Bella Luxx Relaxed Fit Pant, $158)
Bonus: whatever you destination may be, this pant can be paired with heels for an easy day to night look.
External Battery Charger
It is a perk when flying, to be able to turn off your technology and catch up on a book or your sleep for that matter. But when you land, you need a full phone battery for whatever comes your way. Whether, it's business or pleasure, you've gotta stay connected during your trip. Since there isn't always an outlet in close proximity to charge your phone, an external battery charger may save your life when you need directions to your meeting in 15 minutes in an unfamiliar city or you can't miss the perfect opportunity to snap a once in a lifetime picture. (Eton Boost Battery Pack, $55)
Bonus: each pack can fully charge a device two times.
Personal Journal
I feel as though the older and busier we get, the harder it is to slow pace and take a look around. I've found an airplane is the perfect place to do so, and find myself each time I'm looking at the clouds, saying, "Life is so simple at 30,00 feet". Nonetheless, it is the perfect opportunity to reflect and right down anything that comes to mind. (Kate Spade, "Leave Something to The Imagination" Journal, $24)
Bonus: if you're a frequent traveler, you can make it a routine to write every time you're in the sky and can become something fun to look back on and read at the end of the year.
I discovered my passion for writing at a young age and became captivated by the fashion and retail industry. When I started working in an exclusive high end boutique at a private resort a short distance from San Francisco in 2007, I developed a love for being immersed in high end designers to go along with the high end clientele. I began to write for the company blog on behalf of the boutique in 2008 I took pride in my role as contributor and found it was a away for me to integrate my dedication for fashion, into function. In 2011, I became the manager/buyer and am currently in that role to this day. I've expanded my oversight of all social media channels that now spans beyond the blog and regularly travel to buy for the store. I continue to learn something new everyday and strive to curate our selection of classic and emerging designers and to elevate the boutique as a whole.